We are called to be the salt and light of the world. It's a simple concept that we learn about from the time we are old enough to start singing "this little light of mine". But sometimes, I wonder if we realize just what a big, world-changing calling that really is!
It's easy to think of ourselves and our lives as individual - distinctly our own, separate from others. But the truth is - when God adopted and redeemed us, He brought us into His family. We are one body. Individually unique. But one....united in purpose...with the same calling:
To be salt and light so that others may see our Father and praise Him.
We aren't just on our journey by ourselves - doing our own thing. And we also aren't supposed to just huddle amongst ourselves waiting to go to Heaven. We were adopted and redeemed into God's family for a purpose.
When we grasp that - that we are one and our calling is to go out into the world to show others who our God is...to be salt, to be light, to be ambassadors, to be reconcilers, to bring life into a world of death... I think it has the potential to drastically change the way we make decisions in our every day lives.
With this as our perspective, I thought I'd share a question that I ask myself as I filter my decisions in hopes that it encourages/helps you too:
If every Christian decided to do this (or not do this) would it make the world a better or worse place?
It's a simple question that allows us to see a big picture. The answer to the question can often times be convicting, but it is an incredibly powerful tool to realize the great calling God has given us as His sons and daughters. As a result, the answer of whether I should or should not do something is often a lot easier to see.
Let's give some examples.
"If every Christian decided they were uncomfortable talking to others about Jesus, would it make the world a better or worse place?"
[Take time to really think about that]
"If every Christian decided to show grace to those who are unkind, rude, or impatient, would it make the world a better or worse place?"
[Take time to really think about that]
"If every Christian decided caring for the orphans and widows was an innate part of being a follower of Christ, would it make the world a better or worse place?
[Take time to really think about that]
The answers to these questions are simple, but the implications are huge. Now granted, each of us are individually and uniquely made. Not every single Christian can go become a missionary in another country. But every Christian CAN (and should) be part of fulfilling the great commission.
The way we each fulfill our calling might look different, but we all are united with one purpose. Living life as salt and light - being ambassadors and reconcilers - bringing life to a word filled with death...showing others who are our God is, so that they too can praise our Father in heaven.
The thing about living life like that, is that it takes intentionality. It doesn't just happen on accident. And sometimes (more often than not) living intentionally can be a bit scary. It takes us out of our comfort zone and out of our convenience. But if we are to follow Jesus - that's the path He took.
I'll be the first to admit, that path is not easy.
It's easier not to reach out to other people, to guard our hearts from anymore hurt.
It's easier to respond in kind when someone is a jerk.
It's easier to put our wants and desires first.
It's easier to push the Holy Spirit's prodding aside than to step into the uncomfortable or unknown.
But that's not what God has adopted and redeemed us for.
We are one body. Individually unique. But one....united in purpose...with the same calling.
Let us live today in light of that!